Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Happy Birthday Mom and Papa!

Last Tuesday was my Mom's 75th Birthday, and even though she doesn't read this blog I shoulda mentioned it...you know, just in case!

Happy Birthday Mom!

And today, today is my Father's birthday. I think he's 71. He doesn't get on the computer unless my mom is showing him something, so there is little chance he'll see this. But just in case...

Happy Birthday Papa!

I think it's amusing that my parent's birthdays are 4 years and 8 days apart, and my brother's and my birthday are 4 years and 8 days apart. Hmmmm..... November to August is how many months?


Tracy said...

Happy birthday to Cherry's mom and Dad!

Tracy said...

Oh, and btw, what does that last sentence mean? Are you pregnant? Because Nov to August is 9 months, sister!

J said...

Ha! My sister's kids are both born in August..my other sister's kids are both in September, and my brother and I are both in December. What does that say?

Cherry said...

Oh Starshine, haha, no no, not pregnant. The good ol' uterus hasn't passed all of it's tests yet. But it's studying!

My parents are both born in November and my brother and I are born in August... 9 months after their birthdays.

Laura said...

I thought exactly what starshine thought. I am 1 year and 9 months younger than my brother. I guess they didn't learn.

ML said...

Happy birthday to your parents! Too funny about all your birthdays being so similar in the numbers.

Unknown said...

Happy B-day to your mom and dad :)

My brothers are a day (and 9 years) apart. Middle Bro's b-day is on Aug. 18th and Baby Bro's is on Aug. 17th. For the longest time, they used to have to share b-day parties, which totally sucked for them! LOL! My b-day is Dec. 18th and my parents' anniversary is on March 16th. We seem to like the numbers 16, 17, and 18 in our family.

Ted said...

Hope your parents had wonderful birthdays! :-)

Anonymous said...

You were born late in your parents life!
Mama Bear