Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Magazine Subscription Renewals

Freakin Magazine Subscription Renewals!

I get them in the mail all the time, and yet I only have 2 subscriptions. How can these 2 publications think that I need to renew so often? They are both annual subscriptions, both set up in the summer so I know they don't become due until next year. Yes, yes I don't want to miss a single issue, and I do have a gift subscription out there for a friend, but her's doesn't expire until next November ... so leave me alone already!

Perhaps some people get scared and send more money when their subscription doesn't actually expire for another 8 months, but that's what the internet is for people! Many publications have a site you can view the status of your account, so you do not have to fall prey to their renewal scheme. Don't do it! Look it up and be aware.

Argh to Marketing schemes!
(no offense meant to those in marketing and sales)


J said...

I've gotten subscription renewals a full year and half before they expire. Sometimes I wonder if they just send them out every month or two to everyone on their list.

What a waste of money. Drives me nuts.

Tracy said...

Thanks for the 4-1-1.

Beenzzz said...

More junk mail to deal with and more trees being chopped down to print them on. Lovely!

Maya's Granny said...

When I get renewal notices early I am strongly tempted to not renew when the time comes.

Gina said...

A nefarious plot to get people to send more money? I wouldn't put it past them...

Anonymous said...

It is a sales scheme to lock in a "client" for as long as you can. They must make money doing this or else it would stop. My problem is the overload on political donations. If you give once, you're on "The List" forever!