Friday, February 02, 2007

Random thoughts on why it's hard to write sometimes

Sometimes I think I'm a much better commenter then a personal post writer. Either I have posts coming out of my ears and I don't have time to write them all down and then of course forget the ideas, or there's nothing there. And then I read some of your posts, and then I suddenly have a ton to say and I write paragraphs in your comment sections, which I find kinda rude and self centered - but please feel free to do this to me, because I'm just hyper-sensitive to people's perception of my self-centeredness and I loves me the comments, but only if you want to comment, I'm not begging for comments here or measuring my self-worth or how much people like me based on comments. Ok, maybe I am. No I'm not. yea yea, I am.

So I was sitting here thinking... why is it that sometimes I am one of the most talkative people around, yet I feel I don't have anything to write here, or I'm totally the opposite and I sit around silent, and feeling awkward, but I can write a mile a minute here.

I guess it comes down to the moment of inspiration, and frankly whether or not I'm awake, or have already told a particular story and once its out there, I don't think to tell it again. I do often think that once I tell a story to a friend, that since those friends read this, that I don't want to bore them with writing it down again. But really that's silly because I'm not writing this for them. It's for me.

So in the spirit of the original concept of my blog, I am going to stop being so concerned about impressive stories and writing, and just go back to my random thoughts and stuff, because really, that's how my mind works.


ML said...

I always write novels to your posts. I'm not sure why because normally I just write one of two sentences on other people's blogs.

But, to me, the purpose of a blog is to write about whatever you want, when you want. And phooie on what everyone else thinks.

J said...

Yay, you! Do whatever makes this blogging thing fun for you. :) We love it either way.

Beenzzz said...

I know what you mean. Sometimes I have so much to say and other times I'm scraping for ideas. Right now, I'm out of ideas!!!

Anonymous said...

That's a girl. You go for it.

Gina said...

Yes, put on here whatever you feel like! If blogging is not a pleasurable thing, then something is wrong!

As for the long comments, I am so cool with those. I love them! I don't want to hear about what I said, I want to hear other people!

Anonymous said...

I agree! Just write what interests you. Comments are nice because you've sparked a kind of discussion, but blogging is about whatever you want to write about. I used to think about posts that got a lot of comments and thought I should edit my thoughts to reflect what people found interesting...and then I said "screw it," and have paid the price since. ;-)

Tracy said...

Absolutely, Cherry! My favorite blogs are the ones written by people who are just "out there" with their stuff. They don't care what people think. That's what makes those blogs so interesting to read. Even if I don't personally agree with the blogger's point of view, I still appreciate that blogger for their uniqueness and their unique expression of who they are on their blog. So write on and be YOU!

Ginger said...

I love your random thoughts, Cherry. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...

First on your Procrastination post: I didn't think you came accross as stressed. I do tend to put of starting projects that have endless time to complete but hate the pressure of deadlines. On the other hand, I hate being late to an appointment or date so end up being early most of the time. I don't like waiting on people who are always late, either.
On this post: I like your random thoughts. that's why I'm reading them. Did I spell that big P word correctly? It looks too long.
Mama Bear