Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The Most Important Meal of the Day

Along with many others, I am on a bit of a loose weight/get in shape kick right now. When my mostly male co-workers comment on my change in eating habits, I tell them it's for the wedding dress and ask, "Do you want to ask any more questions?" That usually gets them off my back and many of them are actually quite supportive.

So, one of the changes in my eating habits is re-introducing the concept of breakfast. I KNOW it is the most important meal of the day, energy boosting, blah blah blah. But when I have a 1.5 hour commute, all I am thinking about in the morning is getting out of the house.

So last week I started making a big batch of Steel Cut Oatmeal (its the only kind I like now, Mmm its chewy and nutty and so not mushy!). It takes 30+ minutes to cook, so by cooking a big batch, and then portioning it out for the week. I have no excuses! I even sprinkle some dried cherries and rasins on top, so I can attempt to skip my usual pat of butter and heaping tablespoon of brown sugar.

This morning, I came into the office after a lovely and BEAUTIFUL long weekend, with my little glad ware bowl of Mm Mmm congealed oatmeal, and ACK, there was no milk in the fridge. Sadly I had to put blechy water in it to loosen it up, and then I was just sad so I went in search of some sugar to put in it to make it a little better... but I made the mistake of putting in Splenda.

ICKY! Now my gloppy congealed oatmeal tastes like chemicals, except those yummy bites with a dried cherry.

Mental note: Tomorrow put in more dried cherries. They're full of fiber, right?

*updated* - Our office usually is packed high with milk, cream and soy milk, but we were out because of the long weekend and I get in earlier then the milk man delivers. Yes, the milkman delivers to the office.

I also usually use Splenda in drinks, where the taste doesn't bother me, but in the oatmeal, it did. I allowed myself some brown sugar today and topped it off with a few more dried cherries, and all was well.


~Donna~ said...

Splenda isn't so bad once you get used to it...

J said...

Maybe you should bring a little thing of milk, too, just in case. ;)

Tracy said...

Cherry-Berry! I love to imagine my blog-buddy, Cherry eating cherries. It's just so fitting!

I keep a quart of soy milk in my work fridge at all times. It keeps for ages, and it gives my oatmeal a creamy taste.

I agree that Splenda has a chemical taste. :o{

Beenzzz said...

Bringing oatmeal every day is a good idea! Yeh, you should probably buy a spare milk just in case. Put your name on it so noone will (hopefully)drink it! Splenda is ok. It's not brown sugar, but its ok I guess. :)

Anonymous said...

I can't stand foods that have Splenda added to them pre-sale like applesauce or soft drinks. Maybe you could reconstitute dry milk. But I'm like J, I'd take my milk along.
Mama Beat

Susan in Italy said...

Good for you, getting in gear with a healthy new diet! Spends aside, it sounds really delicious. I say yes to unlimited cherries.

ML said...

Yeah for you! Steel cut oatmeal is good for you and I do like that much better than the wallpaper paste other kind.

Good idea adding more dried fruit and bringing a bit extra milk.

Anonymous said...

Splenda, bad stuff. Maybe you can take some milk with you to work. Everyday I bring alittle container of soy milk to work to add to my tea. Hey have you tried soy milk. We get our from Costco. Nice stuff. They again you can get some really icky soy milk. So be careful when you buy the stuff.

Gina said...

You can never have too many cherries! I love steel-cut oatmeal, but for some reason I never eat it. But homemade oatmeal is one of the yummiest things.