Friday, August 31, 2007

Is it the same?

For that last week I have practically had an obsession with watching all of those baby shows on TV, specifically the TLC network. I've always liked these shows since I've been fighting off the maternal urges for about 10 years now. The show I watch the most right now is Bringing Home Baby as they follow families with newborns for the first 36 hours at home, and then revisit them 8 weeks later. I have been watching to see how women who have c-sections deal with the pain AND the visitors AND the changes in their lives, oh yea AND the newborn.

Since I already know that if we have a baby, that I will have to have a c-section, I have been curious to see if the pain I experienced with my surgery is similar. Most of the women look like they are moving around a little more then I had been in the fist few days, but apparently the recovery either varies by person, or some of these women just don't want to really show what kind of pain they are in. And then there are some women who look just like I did, and that freaks me out, because going through this again WITH a newborn is kind of scary.

I suppose I have learned as much as I wanted to get out of these shows now as I am deleting more then I actually watch. I still find the stories very touching and interesting to watch the new parents figure things out, but I don't think I need anymore reminder of what has passed and what is hopefully yet to happen.


Gina said...

My C-section recovery was remarkably short and fast. I have never had any residual pain that I hear other women talking about. I think because truly for the first week or so, I didn't do ANYTHING really, and either Hubba-hubba or my mom did it for me. I think that is key, not to push yourself.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I clicked over from Mrs. Grumpy's blogroll. I think the pain does vary, but it also helps to be prepared: my first c-section seemed more painful than my next three, but I think that was mostly because with the next three, I was thinking, "This'll hurt a little." I didn't think it was too bad--but I do enjoy those painkillers!

Tracy said...

Oh, I used to watch a "Baby Story" on TLC and cry me a river!

ML said...

I think you're right, it just depends on the person. I can see why you'd be nervous, though.

Anonymous said...

I too was obsessed with those shows when I was pregnant!
and now that I have the real thing I have no interest, I guess because I am living my own show!

Anonymous said...

my wife had one and i was beside her during the c-section and entire delivery which only took a few minutes. the prepping of the patient took the longest. but in terms of the pain, according to my wife, the anesthesiologist did a wonderful job. because she didn't feel the pain although she felt the strong urge to vomit...(body reaction to the anesthesia).