Monday, January 29, 2007

New Holes

This weekend I was down in Santa Cruz helping out a friend with a project she had taken on. It was fun! but I'm still recovering. Photos and post to follow sometime this week....

On Saturday, after the project was completed and I had zoned out on her parent's couch for a while, I decided it was time to hit the road and head home. Since I was in Santa Cruz, I couldn't help but to stop and do something a little "Santa Cruz"y before I drove home, so I got my ears pierced. Yes, I know.. I'm 30-something (I can't believe I just typed that), and I am now deciding to get my ears pierced.

I got them pierced when I was 15ish, in the mall with one of those piercing guns. The backs never healed and were always a little, ummm.... crusty and one of them was crooked. This is what you get for letting an 18 year old stick things through your head with a spring loaded weapon. I know for many people, the piercing gun works just fine, but it didn't for me.

A few, ok many, years ago I decided to jump on the band wagon and got my navel pierced, so I had researched and had become familiar to more sophisticated piercing techniques. A friend who used to tour with Lollapalooza and worked in a piercing tent (who knew you could go to a concert and do such things), taught me all about the practice and took me to an artist she trusted. I had 2 friends holding my hands and a quick breathe in and breathe out and it was done.

So since I had had that done, I knew what to expect. A co-worker who is still into that sort of thing, recommended an artist in Santa Cruz, and since I was there... hey why not. I have been wanting to do this for a while now, and I would like to wear ear rings for the wedding, so I need to get this done now if they are to heal in time (for whatever date and plans we might make for the wedding).

With the navel piercing there was just one poke, so I wasn't looking forward to the double whammy. It turned out just fine and the artist was very nice and helpful and calming. Honestly, they are healing up much better then the navel since I don't wear pants around my head, but man I am VERY aware of my ears now.


Susan in Italy said...

Wow, you've been walking around with a belly-button piercing and no ear-holes! I wasn't allowed to pierce my ears until I was 16 so a couple years before that, I sterilized a needle, stuck a potato behind my ear lobe (this was actually recommended by a friend!) and stuck it through.

ML said...

Yeah for you getting your ears pierced! I bet they look snazzy.

Beenzzz said...

That's great that you got your ears pierced and it was a good experience! I bet it looks cool and you're brave to have your belly button done too!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you have joined the club. Cool. I just love earrings and never leave the house without them on. This opens up a whole new type of shopping experience. Yeah!

Tracy said...

Yay, Cherry! You're all grown up now! ;) You gotta show us your earrings!

J said...

Oh boy, learn from Maya, and wear your piercing posts even longer than they told you to. ;) Other than that, you're good to go. Are your ears hot? I remember feeling the sensation of heat more than actual pain in the days following...

Anonymous said...

And remember to keep those ears clean! :-)

Tracy said...

Hi Cherry! Thanks for your comment today...that would be so fun if we get married on the same day! I'll never forget your anniversary. :)

Gina said...

I love, love earrings. I got mine pierced against my mom's wishes at 16. Boy, did my aunt and I get yelled at!

Anonymous said...

Who knew that piercing was an art.