Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Kudos for my husband! Shame on me!

This week my new hubby made two appointments he tends to put off. He went to the eye doctor AND the dentist. He hadn't been to the dentist in years as he kept saying he was waiting until we were married and on my benefits. So, for the last few months I have been reminding him that he is on my benefits now, and I pay for them every 2 weeks so it would be great if he could go use them.

Hurray! He went and really likes the lovely in-network dentist he randomly picked from the list. He gets to see her a few more times this year too, thanks to the two tiny cavities and the need for a deep cleaning. I hear those deep cleanings hurt, so I will make sure to make him a lovely large pile of mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner that night, followed up by some ice cream. He'll like that.

The scary thing about this, is that I was listening to my mom complain about my father this weekend. About how they are paying for their benefits but my father refuses to go and use them. When she said this I rolled my eyes and pointed to Eric, gesturing that he does the same thing.

Now Eric has pointed out a few other instances of this before but I never really saw it.....


I'm sorry love. I'll really watch the nagging and the complaining. Really I will!

BTW - Is it Kudos to... or Kudos for? Anywhoo... YAY Husband!


Tracy said...

Your husband and I are living in parallel universes...I went to the dentist yesterday and had 2 cavities filled. My teeth sure look whiter and feel cleaner!!!

J said...

Kudos to, I think. Yay Eric, way to keep those pearly whites pearly and white!

Scrambled eggs are also yummy soft food. :)

Anonymous said...

I think that J is right about the kudos to.

I know what you mean about turning into a parent. It can sneak up on you-- and wham!-- you're no longer you. Of course, sometimes it's a good thing which is easier to take than replicating the weird, whiny behaviors.

Gina said...

My husband keeps putting off the dentist because he has to take off work. I keep telling him, "Tell me what day and I will make the appointment!"

I'm not my mom, not yet, anyway!

Anonymous said...

As my dentist used to say: "...You know, your teeth are the most important parts of your body." Then I went to my eye doctor and he said "You know, your eyes are the most imporant part of your body." The long and the short of it is that Eric did the right thing and himself checked out!

ML said...

Yay for Eric! Good to start seeing the doctors and taking care of himself.

Autumn's Mom said...

Good job Eric. Booo for those of us turning into our mothers. But Kudos TO you for recognizing it and want to break that cycle! haha

Unknown said...

Kudos to the two of you :) Cherry, you are so cute! I noticed that I'm starting to turn into my mother too. LOL!

BTW, you've been tagged :)

Ginger said...

Oh, let lightening strike me dead if I ever sound like his mom. But my mom, I can handle that.

Karen MEG said...

Kudos to Eric. I too, am turning into my mother.
Kudos to my husband. During our marriage prep classes oh so many years ago, our coaches/teachers told us to look at our partners and imagine that our spouse would be their mother/father someday. Just to see if they could handle it. Ian didn't run to the door; and despite the fact that prophecy is being somewhat fulfilled, he's still sticking with me. Nagging and complaining - honestly, the guys must secretly love it LOL!

Laura said...

My husband's thoughts on doctor/dentist appointments? Dentist=It will wake a sleeping giant (i.e. cause a huge toothache, by aggravating a cavity he didn't know he had). Doctor=If I don't go there is nothing wrong with me.If I go,they will always find something wrong with me.He was good about cleanings every six months...but not so good about the doctor.

Anonymous said...

Maybe we all turn into our mothers and fathers. Oh wow that is mind blowing

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Ginger!
Well, after 40 years of marriage, I can say that men just don't want to go to the dentist or doctor even when it is good for them. Nagging won't make it happen any sooner. Try to make it sound like something they are doing for you, you need them healthy and living a lot longer because you love them and would be lost without them.
Mama Bear