Sunday, February 24, 2008

Not The Only One

It's almost the end of February and I'm still just not feeling the bloggy thing consistently. I finished the year off strong, but since the new year I haven't been posting or reading much. I kinda figured I was just busy with work and such, as some changes are going on there. Plus we're trying to get ourselves organized at home to deal with the first year of filing our taxes jointly, and we're working on a way to shorten my commute in this downturn of the economy (selling our place and moving is not looking like an option). But I think its more then just being busy.

Then today, Eric was busy starting on a design for a new client so I booted up the ol' laptop. I had been trying to stay away from the computer on the weekends unless it's to do household business stuff so bloggy catch up hasn't been happening... until this weekend.

With over 500 posts to read in bloglines, I started in. I admit I skimmed through some, and outright skipped others (sorry Dooce and Maggie.... you didn't make the cut, I know you're crying about the loss of ad revenue so I'll give you some linky love just for funsies). I didn't comment much to aide in the mass reading venture so I apologize for the silent viewing. Since the exchange of comments is one part of blogging I truly enjoy, I don't usually like to go so long without commenting, but that's the way it goes sometimes. I have friends who have called and emailed me directly who I have yet to reply to, so I've been doing an all around bad job at keeping in touch.

But there was something that I noticed even with my most consistent bloggy friends, many haven't been writing either! Did everyone burn out with NaBloPoMo last year? Is everyone doing a re-evaluation of the time they spend in front of the glowing box? I know many people will make a resolution to post more, but perhaps some people made the resolution to post less.

I don't really feel pressure to post everyday, which is great but I know that we have a community out here and in order to be a part of the community which I enjoy, I have to participate. I still enjoy blogging so I don't foresee quiting. When I post more, my writing improves, I feel connected with some wonderful people, and I find I'm more focused and can process all that is going on in my life. So I'm still in it.... are you?


Tracy said...

I'm still in it, but I have to say that I have been evaluating the amount of time I spend in front of my glowing box. Conclusion: TOO MUCH! I realized that I need to live for real and not just vicariously on the internet. So, now I don't post as often, but when I do, it feels really rewarding. I still read a lot of blogs. It's my way of seeing how the world is editorializing current events and such. Plus, I just love my blog buddies!

J said...

Yay, a Cherry post! I've also noticed that a lot of folks haven't been posting as much lately.

FYI, tummy is much better today. Thanks for the chat yesterday. :)

Unknown said...

Cherry!!! Hey, gorgeous! :) I've been checking in regularly to see if you've written anything new and to see what you've been up to and if you're okay.

I hit a bloggy slump last week. I've just been feeling really off lately. So much going on (I'll private message you about it). Crazy, crazy!

Anyway, you're not alone with the not posting every day :)

Glad to see you back!

Karen MEG said...

Hey Cherry, good to see you back and thanks for your recent comments. I'm also in a slump, nowhere near as excited as I was when NaBloing, but a lot probably has to do with work and being sick (I've got this silly cough and now stupid cold... if you can characterize viruses as such!). But I'm in, despite neglecting my kids every so often still, I'm in :)

Laura said...

I'm still here, and it's become my lifeline. Although I was sporadic at best the last couple of weeks. I just found myself going down, down, down and didn't want to bring the rest of you wonderful people down with me.

Beenzzz said...

I don't know how I feel about blogging anymore. Some days I want to, but some days I want to shut everything down. I keep telling myself not to quit, but.....why? Then again, things have been topsy turvy in my life right now. Nothing worse than losing focus when you need to blog.

Angie said...

Hi Cherry! I was so happy to see your comment on my blog - you're alive!

You are definitely not the only one that is slow in posting - I've been terrible as of late - only to get worse with the growing season fast approaching.....

Don't worry - I'll still check in and say 'hi' and see what you've been up to. Thanks for doing the same.

Gina said...

No, there is definitely something going on, I think there is a lot of "opting out" going on. And I totally understand that, because it can suck up a lot of time.

Tracy said...

happy friday, cherry bear!

Anonymous said...

Sometimes I'm just not in the mood. There are other things I want to be doing. I don't want to feel guilt for not posting or visiting. I think a post from time to time letting others know we are fine just doing other stuff is good so they don't worry. My blogroll has grown so huge that I can't visit everyone often. I try to drop by on occasion and catch up but I don't want to obsess about this too much. It can take over our lives, I think.
Mama Bear