Sunday, November 18, 2012

What's in your stuffing?

Thanksgiving is around the corner and the grocery stores will be packed with people over the next few days. Guess how many grocery trips we'll make leading up to the big feasting day? No fewer than 5 is my guess.

Between forgetting stuff and limitation of our cold food storage, many trips are in store.

In an effort to limit this I always make my shopping lists. I love a good list to calm the chaos in my head but for some reason this year I've stalled out. I'm tired, I'm intimidated by all that needs to happen (cleaning, everyday stuff, entertaining guests, mom's birthday, etc), and I'm undecided on a few things like....THE STUFFING!

This is the first Thanksgiving in a long time that I'm cooking the traditional Turkey dinner for a crowd. Usually we have beef as we are also celebrating my parent's Birthdays so I cook whatever my dad wants which is always beef, and I'll cook a mini thanksgiving meal for just my small family at some point during the week. I always make the standard celery stuffing which is very tasty but I always hear about other bread stuffings so many other families have so I may veer off my usual path this year and looking for ideas. I've had oyster stuffing and some with sausage which the person who made it loved sooo much but I didn't really, preferring the kinda boring but yummy celery laden variety.

What's in your family's stuffing?


Omar Gonzalez said...

Good to see you blogging again! I like to try new stuffings throughout the year but always go with the traditional celery one for Turkey day. I'm a creature of habit!

Trina said...

Boring yummy celery variety here. But we put wine in as some of the liquid which makes it super tasty, and then we lay bacon slices over it and the turkey (we do stuff our turkey with the stuffing)so we get bacony celery goodness.

J said...

Don't hate me...I like stove top.

I'm getting ready to go to the grocery store in a few minutes, hoping to make just the one trip this week. It likely won't work out that way, but it's worth a try. And if I can get most of the stuff, then if I really do end up needing something else later, maybe I can walk to get it, and take some of the stress out of the situation. We went to see Lincoln yesterday, and between Lincoln, Breaking Dawn, and Thanksgiving (went to PH, right by Lucky, tried to park in the Lucky parking lot) it took us 20 minutes to park. That's when I decided that my shopping trips would hopefully be limited to ONE.

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